You never know which season will bring heavy cumulative snowfall. Should that occur you want to really try to get those early snows cleared as far off your driveway as you can, to reduce the size of the berm that builds up and make future snow clearing easier for later in the season. With regular shovels (and “pushers”) that is just too much work…
But with the Snow Wolf it can be done with nearly no extra work! One of the great capabilities of our wheeled shovel is the ability to throw snow without much effort. With the Snow Wolf, once the snow is scooped, the weight is carried by the large wheel, so taking an extra step is quick and nearly no extra work. So, when clearing side-to-side (or diagonally for example), when you get near the driveway’s edge, take one extra step with your wheeled shovel (and a bit more speed at the end) and just give a light flip to the shovel blade to release the snow .. With the large thin wheel it rolls easily off pavement and even if you have some snow piled there already, the thin wheel cuts right through. We’ll try to post a short clip with our first snow here in Connecticut.. a short video is worth more than words!
Give it a try and let us know how you are doing…